Sunday, 4 March 2012

It's a new day... as Nina would say.

Clearly I haven't been around for a while.  I was abducted by the real world and held hostage by the evil forces of work and, and, well, stuff. You don't need to know the stuff it's the same stuff that we all get at times.  So well here I am again.

Our home is currently surrounded by scaffolding. No it isn't falling down as yet but it has required quite a lot of work. Oh sorry the reason for this tangent, the scaffolding has stopped our Sky dish from working. So as a result we have been TV less for over a month. No soaps, no news, no reality TV, absolutely wonderful. His Lordship and I have re learnt the tricky art of conversation, with each other. I have categorised and card indexed the entire contents of my underwear drawers, colour coded my wardrobe and found the buttons I bought two years ago to go on my favourite jacket. Said jacket is now residing at the local charity shop. Not to worry I've put them somewhere safe for the next two years.

The last few weeks have made me realise what my life had become, work, work, a tad more work for good measure, then sliding in front of the TV too tired to contemplate my naval let alone anything else.  Well it is going to stop, and about time too, I want to get back to the things I used to enjoy so much. One of those things is blogging and reading my friends blogs. You had best get the china out sweeties, I'm on my way over for a cuppa. xx


  1. One lump or two?
    ::waits poised with sugar cup::

    1. Oh sweetie, one lump please, but don't tell anyone, I'm watching my waist line. It is so lovely to hear from you again. x

  2. I tried to comment earlier (from my phone) but it wouldn't let the comment box pop up!
    Anyhoo, Roses has the gist of my comment.

    Welcome back. :¬)


  3. Happy to see you're back, and this even if I'm leaving "blogsville" (slowly but surely)... Missed you!

    1. Well my absence was slightly longer than I anticipated. I think sometimes we just run out of steam and need to recharge. I hope that you will still stop by to see what your blends are up to hun. x
